Cracked Freekeh Tabouli

Kirsty Chiaplias, Babajan, Serves 4


150gm Mount Zero Cracked Freekeh
2 bay leaves 
5 -10 peppercorns
100ml Mount Zero Arbequina Extra Virgin Olive Oil

1 long green chill fine diced (no seeds) Unless you like it hot!
3 tomatoes – peeled and diced 
1 red onion – fine diced
1 Lebanese cucumber – fine diced
1 bunch parsley – finely chopped
1/2 bunch mint – fine chopped
3 tbs sumac spice
2 tbs toasted pine nuts 
1 garlic clove – minced

Pomegranate Dressing 
100ml pomegranate molasses
80ml sugar syrup (equal parts water and sugar brought to the boil)
40ml lemon juice
Pinch of Pink Lake Salt


1. Place freekeh, peppercorn, and bay leaves in a pot and cover with water, bring to a boil and boil rapidly for about 20 minutes or until soft. 

Strain and place on a tray to cool, and drizzle with olive oil while warm and season with salt. 

2. Prepare all the salad ingredients. 

3. Combine dressing ingredients in a bowl and whisk to combine. Taste for sweet and sour balance. May need adjusting.

4. Once the freekeh is cooled, combine all prepared salad ingredients and add the dressing and salt. Check for seasoning and serve. 

As the weather warms up, this is the perfect time for simple salads. This nutritious grain tabouli ticks all the boxes with Mount Zero Freekeh and a dynamite dressing!

Recipe Ingredients from the Mount Zero Range
